This indicates the amount of disk space that will be available to you on the server to hold your web site files.
No, You can Host 1 Website for 1 hosting.If u need to host multiple Web sites you need to purchase custom plan.
99.9% Uptime Guarantee.The availability of your website is our top priority. We stand by that fact with our uptime guarantee!
Our support staff is available 24/7/365 to assist you via Telephone, LiveChat, or Email with any hosting-related issues with 365 Days Support.
Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that is allowed to be transferred to and from our servers. Our plans are designed to have more than enough bandwidth than a normal website would need so that you do not need to be concerned about running out of bandwidth or ‘overage charges’ that other web hosting companies charge.
A hosting control panel is a tool that allows you to manage all aspects of a hosting service. It allows you to do most of the complex system admin processes in just a few clicks from the admin interface. You can even do advanced tasks such as server migrations, web server switching etc. in just a few clicks.A hosting control panel is a tool that allows you to manage all aspects of a hosting service. It allows you to do most of the complex system admin processes in just a few clicks from the admin interface. You can even do advanced tasks such as server migrations, web server switching etc. in just a few clicks.
We support both PHP 4 and PHP 5, a scripting language similar to HTML. Using PHP, you can track and authenticate users, serve up XML pages, add additional functionality to forms, and much more. This feature is supported by all Linux and Windows hosting solutions and if you need more information on PHP please review the article What is PHP.